Monday 2 April 2018

Monday 4 April

First Quarter; Results Roundup

There was a lot of disruption in the miserable January + February weather conditions, not surprisingly there were not great monthly profits delivered. Always quiet months. And now back to abandoned meetings over the bank holiday.

Early March produced a tremendous run right through to a good Cheltenham, so put me back on Target for the quarter.

Here is the graph showing monthly returns 2015 to March 2018 and the monthly/cumulative actual figures.

There have been some good April runs in past years - here's hoping! 
So far there hasn't been a single flat race bet to place as the season fired up - All the meetings so far offering nothing better than Heavy going! 
There would have been 19 selected races so far, despite the heavy conditions we would have been only 1 no: losing race since the 24 March opening day. Would be good to get some decent racing ground and get the bets rolling on the turf?

Here are the stats YTD 2018:
Strike rate 91% off 451 Live race selections.
P/L 5,754 off the 486 unit stake.
Also the additional Target Bets have performed well with a P/L of 4,216. This of 212 additional Live Bets placed.

Going note:
The only races I eliminate due to going are turf races on Heavy.

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