Wednesday 1 April 2015

Wednesday 1 April

Summary: Jan - March

Took a few hits in the last two weeks of March which pushed the return stats. down to bottom end of range.
I like to see the strike rate above 90% and expectation above the 20 benchmark rather than the 15.3 in the screen shot

Have put the results for Early Bets and my full ATO bets side by side.
LH side are the Early bet results compared to RH side the full bets taken ATO.

Most of the gap @ 65% is related simply to volume of bets. At the bottom of the screen shot we have the 273 early bets compared with 382 ATO.
I had hoped that the strike rate on the Early bets would be higher than the full ATO, based on the trial period i ran, but this has not been the case over this 3 month result.

Hopefully get some positive side variance in April and trade an edge 5-6% range!
March still left in profit so three profitable months for the Early Bets test.

Upload @ 18;00 for eve. meets.

Todays Early Bets

Three early Bets on afternoon meetings.

Three additional bets at the eve. meetings.

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