Monthly Results Compared
- 9 months in profit at the end of and a good September.
My full ATO results are on good track for the 35k benchmark I predicted at the outset. The Lite bets have been up and down relative but also no losing month.
The Stats for all the ATO bets for the 9 months.
Firstly Play Efficiency?
Is it possible to improve the race selection and reduce that £80k of losses over the period. I don't believe there is any real scope for this (even after I shake my head at throwing back 80k!!) without a reduction in turnover sufficient to cut back P/L over the period.
Secondly Betting Efficiency?
Is it possible to improve the returns achieved. There are 1812 bets placed in the screen shot & very obviously just forcing £10 per bet in efficiency would net @ 16.5K? Of course this is impossible, but using the most efficient betting strategy in every opportunity at this volume of action is very positive overtime.
Next post more on Betting Efficiency.