Saturday, 4 July 2020

July 4th Derby

Epsom Derby Day at Last

Even better card today with the Oaks and a couple of good group races backing up the Derby on this jumbled year's calendar.

The disruption results in an open Derby and our Dutch Frame runs to include 8 no: in the 16 runner field.
I am targeting Kameco, English King and Highland Chief with the remaining five framed, taken at break even.

So half the field covered and Target your own opinions?

The Oaks is a much tighter affair. A three runner Dutch Frame with the top two targeted. I'm a bit concerned the Dutch Frame doesn't wrap in Gold Wand here -but stick with the Dutch stats and hope my fers are groundless!

The 16;15 Grp3 has one of my shortlist horses to follow for the season - Cloak of Spirits. So i,m target betting this selection. However you can cover 4 in a field of 6 and make your own preferences.

It's a busy day with a total of 22 races to consider. This is the quick pick list import from the 'Gruss' software.

I use a complex set of 'Shape of the Market' filters to isolate the races to include live.

I want the maximum Velocity applying the edge from the Dutching over the full year.

However there are numerous straightforward ways to filter out live selections, if you are happy with far fewer bets.

There is a post buried somewhere down the blog on setting up the pick list. I'll update it.

Finally another race with four of the six runners covered . In the listed stakes 14;25 I am taking the Target bet on the favorite. A good return on low risk.
Good luck & Safe Voyage on Derby  day.

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